Each new year offers an exciting opportunity for a fresh start and new beginnings, which is probably why we all look forward to New Year’s Eve so much. No matter what your goals are for the coming year are, or how many New Year’s resolutions you plan on making for 2022, ringing in the start of a new year is a moment to acknowledge. One, to celebrate all of your experiences from 2021 pandemic life; and two, welcome the new year ahead.
“Your success and happiness lies in you. Resolve to keep happy, and your joy shall form an invincible host against difficulties”
-Helen Keller
Season’s greetings to you and your family, and very best wishes for 2022!
-The Youthful Aging Home Care Staff

Sheila Birnbaum’s professional career has been devoted to enhancing patient care. As the Director of the Patient Advocacy Program at Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital (RWJUH), Hamilton, NJ, she instituted numerous programs, many which received statewide recognition, including several prestigious rewards.